snowboarding club
Lights Snow
We will definitely teach you to snowboard, even if you have never stood on it before!
+4 (970) 728-3912
Ligths Snow School was founded in 1998. Its origins are a team of enthusiastic people who know, love and appreciate snowboarding. It teaches adults to snowboard.
Classes are built on the principle - from simple to complex. Training is conducted from zero level! The program is selected individually according to your wishes and your level of training.
My name is Nick Heins. I stand at the origins of creating a school of snowboarders. I spend private classes, answer all questions.
Every day we conduct master classes for everyone. They are free.
Come to our school! The result will always delight you!
There is a beautiful hotel near our school. Rescue services and the best doctors work 24/7.
Good tracks, highly qualified instructors will help you master snowboarding!
Welcome to the Ligths Snow!
Contact the skateboarding school Ligths Snow:
+4 (970) 728-3912
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